HREMS system

HREMS system

Heated Recirculating Mash System natural gas fired can brew 28 gals 
Hot Liquid Tank

Hot Liquid Tank



Boil Pot

Boil Pot

I built my Brewery from vessels that were used to make medical test batches. The stainless steel tank on the left is the Hot Liquor Tank it can hold 15 gal of water. Inside the tank is a copper coil used as a heat exchanger. The center vessel is the MashTun it is made of medical plastic and can hold about 100 Lb. of grain. In the bottom there is a Stainless Steel screen that acts as a filter to keep the grain in place while circulating the liquid. The stainless steel vessel on the right is the boil tank that can hold 30 gal of wort, this tanks also has a stainless steel screen for hops and Trub screening. My system is called HERMS which stands for Heat Exchange Recirculating Mash System. This HERMS setup has a heat exchanger 50 Ft copper coil is installed in the Hot Liquor Tank (HLT) and a pump circulates liquid wort from the mash tun through the heat exchanger then back into the mash to maintain the mash temperature. Maintaining and changing mash temperature is important for the conversion of starch in the grain to a sweet liquid. When the Sweet liquid has converted we test using iodine if the test shows that there is no starch. It gets pumped into the boil tank. The wort will be boiled for 60 to 90 min depending on the style. different hops will be added at time during the boil. then the wort liquid will be pumped through a chiller to bring it down to fermenting temperature then the worth gets pumped into the fermenter.